The way the terms 'peace' and 'war' are being tossed around, it is clear that they are thought to be -- or rather, are presented to be -- polar opposites. But, as with the ideas of 'love' and 'hate,' such polar opposites sometimes work together.
For example, to love something is to imply the hatred of something else. To love good is to hate evil (and vice versa). To love truth is to hate lies. Further, it has been noted by observing lovers' quarrels, that being in love can compel someone to feel hatred at times, in the case of betrayal, for example. Still again, children who love their parents have been known to 'hate' them, temporarily as it were, for enforcing seemingly unreasonable boundaries on their activities.
Now to the subject of war and peace. How can these work together? In an imperfect world, hostilities can arise between an irrational aggressor and a peaceful people. Is the second party required, in the name of peace, to remain passive in the face of the aggression of the first party? Will peace result if it does?
What will result is submission to tyranny, which is a wretched imposter of peace. No, when the liberty of the innocent is threatened, the threat must be resisted at all cost, including bloodshed if necessary.
What if the peace and liberty of an entire globe is threatened by the actions of a power that mocks the rule of law? Is there no recourse for the defenseless? Are not the strong and sure obligated to protect the weak and innocent?
Today, Sunday, March 16, 2003, a great many people the world over -- myself included -- are praying for a peaceful resolution to the Iraq and North Korean crises. But if war is unavoidable in the preservation, the advancement, of liberty, may it be speedy, may the innocent be spared, and may the guilty know a change of heart.
'Peace through strength' is a credo that is most realistic in light of the history of nations. Peace ultimately is synonymous with security, well being, and freedom. Lying down with the enemies of liberty is not peace. It is worse than death. Ask any survivor or Auschwitz or the Gulag. Ask yourself if it is wise to trust a proven bully with the keys to your home, where your children depend on you for their protection.
The sad reality is that sometimes, peace can only be secured through war. May the cause of Liberty and Justice for all prevail. Also for the citizens of Iraq.